Anti Bullying Program

As a parent of children in a public school and as a staff member who worked directly in the classroom with students, I was aware of and witnessed physical violence, verbal bullying including physical threats, and social media bullying causing mental and emotional distress.
Most children experience some sort of bullying in their school years. While many can walk away and not be severely affected, I saw children who experienced depression, developed behaviors, and had relationship issues as a result of being bullied. In the recent news there has also been reported instances of suicide following a child being severely bullied.
Colfax teachers use anti bullying strategies in mitigating conflicts; however, Colfax school district does not have an anti-bullying program to educate children, lay out consequences, offer solutions, and teach peer support. As a board member, I'd like to pursue with administration, establishing an aggressive program to combat the bullying issue. This program would also work hand in hand with the school counselling program, and would have a positive impact on mental health.