School Safety

The first priority of a school's administration is the safety and well being of everyone within the school walls. Shockingly, the last decade has seen a significant rise in school shootings resulting in mass casualties of our most innocent and vulnerable. Governors and legislatures have stayed silent on the issue and have left it up to each school to implement its own security measures.
Colfax school district uses safety strategies and provides training at the start of each school year; however safety strategies are not fool proof and the minimal training is insufficient in the midst of a dangerous situation. During my experience at the school, there were threats made toward the school, to the extent that exterior doors had to be watched and checked each hour. Even then, children were still sent outside for recess while unarmed recess staff were advised to stay vigilant.
I have personally spoken to the school board and requested that Colfax hire a full time security officer to be present whenever school is in session. If a dangerous situation presents itself, an immediate police presence will save lives. The response to my request was "lack of finances". However, our most precious possessions deserve that we adjust our current finances to accommodate this important resource.
If I am elected in April, I will present a motion to the board to hire a full time officer for our school, keeping safety as the top priority.